Assalamualaikum,After this will be lots..lots..lots...i mean lotssss of wedding day preparation (WDP) entry.Only 58 days left from this date...i'm totally crampppp to think all of thingss..uurrghhh! Like i said, it takes 6 months to prepare for 3 days event.Ok,..for the theme color at 1st i wana use Green + White/Cream colour. It's a lime green more to olive green but must be satin...
Assalamualaikum,..hhuurrmmm,..kali ni sesi luahan hati dan prasaan aku yg prasan.What ever la kan..Aku xtau nape,.. aku memang pissed off ckit (bleh jd byk kalo x kene gaya) la ngan org suke cakap "UP TO YOU" nih & "SUKE HATI YOU LA!". Bagi aku memang dah jadi satu kepantangan..Pedih telinga n hati aku kalo aku dengar ayat cam gini.But geng, please bare in ur...
Assalamualaikum,Ade sape2 penah tgk muvi ni tak?...It was released this year.BRIDE WARS 2009Synopsis:In Manhattan, the lawyer Liv and the school teacher Emma have been best friends since their childhood. They both are proposed to by their boyfriends on the same day and they plan their wedding parties in Plaza Hotel, using the services of the famous Marion St. Claire. However, due to Marion's...
Assalamualaikum,These is something that i would like to share with bride/groom to be...Hukum Lelaki Memakai Emas Putih dan Platinum.Adakah dibenarkan seseorang lelaki memakai emas putih seperti yang terdapat di pasaran sekarang? Seseorang telah memberitahu saya bahawa emas putih tidak dikenakan zakat, jadi ianya dibenarkan bagi seseorang lelaki memakainya. Adakah ianya benar? Sekian Terima Kasih. Jawapan.Hukum lelaki memakai emas amat jelas hukumnya, iaitu haram...
Assalamualaikum,Last weekend on Sunday, after my kasen wedding i went to IPOH fetch my rasaksa. I punye speed x hengat dalam 140KM/H je. hohoho (sampai saman harus la di beri pd rasaksa)Dah lame x masuk pekan IPOH. Rasa sedikit kepelikan. Selalu masuk singgah JJ Ipoh je but this time merayap sampai Ipoh Parade. Waaaahhh nuthing's there. huhuBefore amik rasaksa, aku sempat merayap kat...
Assalamualaikum,On 19th December 2009, berlangsungnya majlis perkahwinan sepupu ku Aza (Shida) & Aziz bertempat di kediaman beliau Shah Alam.Majlis yang agak simple. Nice theme colour. Sangat lembut.Here is some pikcess..Selamat next!! =Samik berkat katel pengantin..=)Hantaran pihak perempuan & lelakiBekas Cincin Lelaki...I touch up,..cantek x?. ...
Assalamualaikum,Last friday me & my cousin Aina went out to celebrate our Beday.She was born on 15th December and me on 17th December. And on 17th December is where Aina's mother (achik & ayahchik) getting we also celebrate Aina's parents Anniversary.Well there's a story on that date....never mind! Some other time.These is what we did to celebrate our 25th & 26th Beday,..|...
Assalamualaikum,Semalam dh penat sangat nak wat entry, kite cont ari ni k.YES! Yesterday was my beday. I'm becuming 26th...What an age! Tp perangai still kanak-kanak ribena.Aku amik EL semalam, sbb nk kene g klinik untuk blood test. Ingat nak pegi pagi, skali sume klinik wat tghari. Kalo tau baik masuk opis dulu awal2 pg tu.After call a few clinic, we decided to do...
Assalamualaikum,Huuuu~ penat nih!!. Kuar dr tgh-hari sampai tgh-malam.Nak cover baaaaaaannnyyyaaakkkkkk story. Tp....Kite dah penat laa...kite mengantuk sangat...Kite heppy ari ni.Thanx to Mr. Rasaksa for treating me nice today.I do made a wish...a kind of prayer. For a sinful girl like me, i dunno if my prayer will be answered. But i believed in HIM.Cont esok k....night! ZZZZzzzzzz. ...
Assalamualaikum,Ok,..let me cont our 2nd day at A'Famosa, Melaka.Wake up early as we need to check out the bungalow at 9am. Errrghhhh sgt x best bgun awal2 pg di tempat best! Dh la mlm tu x bape nk boleh lelap....lg laa aarrghhhhh!Before kuar from the bungalow compound sempat candid2 dulu depan umah tu, tepi pool.Then we heading to the club house for breakfast....
Assalamualaikum,Penat ari ni masuk ofis. Mata siap bengkak lagi. Ini mungkin kesan ubt migraine aku amik semalam. Terasa mcm mata ini ditumbuk..adieh!Walau pun aku xde la seactive kawan2 ofis mate yg len. Tp letih aku xleh imagine budak2 ofis yg men air ari tu..sure sengal2 badan giler punye. Sedangkan aku yg sunbath bawah pokok kelapa je pun bleh lenguh,.ini kan pulak budak2...
Assalamualaikum,Now kiteorg tgh hunting baju pengantin.Semalam pun dah pegi kedai ni, kat Bandar Tasik Selatan.Baju sume cantek. Tp x melekat di mata,..cume Silver/Grey and Creme/Off White menawan di hati.Malam ini,...JENG,,,..JENG,,,...Visit butik yg kiteorg dh pegi sebelum ni,..smpai tersesat-sesat.This promo is only opened for 20 customers only..And Alhamdulillah i'm one of it.Rumah KebayaAfter ofis hour, gona make a move to this place...What's the outcome??!!...
Assalamualaikum,Hari ni, hari x brape ade mood nak wat keje. Eventho keje bersepah2, and due date nye adelah nextweek tp masih curik2 masa untuk berpoya2. Ini kak sara punye penyakit, dah berjangkit kat aku...(salahkan org plak!! =p)Orait, sambil2 tu come..let me share some story-mory about my wedding preparation.Wedding Day Preparation (WDP): Part I It should started with a place right??...Venue for my solemization...
Assalamualaikum,Now dah bulan Disember kengkawan..Ape yg spesel di bulan Disember ini?? Haaa mengikut perkiraan, tinggal lg 78 days till our WD.Banyak sangat mende yang nak di buat kan. Everything in the list, just a matter of time to buy the stuff. Luckily dah wat survey awal2, so xde la macam kelam kabut yang teramat sangat. ffeeeuhh!Cume 1 je,..mende yang paling penting me and...
Assalamualaikum,Who said wish didnt come true??!!My wish have been granted yesterday...Thanx Mr Baby. Muaahhhss!! Lap ya!! hehehe ^_^!If you all read previous entry I Wish... there is a few things that i've listed as my wish. And Allah telah murahkan rezeki dgn memberi salah satu dari item tersebut. Nak tau ape die??....Jeng Jeng Jeng!Why dont u pepel guess...And the price is RM10!! Siyes...
Assalamualaikum,How i wish i can have this item below,..all in once! Tamakkkknnyyeee doter Incik Zamberi nih!! (Ko ingt bapak ko milenair?? =p)Kepada sesape yg sudi nak sedekah brand new item seperti di bawah ini amat lah dialu-alukan..^_^!1. Sony Slim CyberShot (for my blogging) 2. Handphone - LG/Samsung/Nokia/HTC(HP lame dh crash, harus la cari HP baru)3. Ladies Golf Set (future nak kene men,..layan rasaksa...
Assalamualaikum,Kinda boring tonight. Raksasa got to work til 10pm. Nothing much i can do except thinking of him...Miss him!I don't want somebody,Who's loving everybody,I need a shy guy,He's the kinda guy who'll only be mine..Heard this song in the afternoon...remind me of him!From: Shania Twain - You're Still The One.(When I first saw you, I saw loveAnd the first time you touched me,...
Assalamualaikum,..Semalam masa tgh duk cari souvenir utk Dato' 3A men golf, aku ternampak satu mende yg aku cari2 sebelum nih...Kalo tgk kat stadium cam mahal. Tp kat sini murah je..RM 19.90...dan-dan aku rembat! Murahh doo..So after this start balik routine Nemo bersama raksasa,...ari tu raksasa ade tanye xnak g Nemo ke...of course la nak! Tp masa tu getah goggle putus...lame giler aku gune...
Assalamualaikum,Bersiaran dari StarHut Cafe, Nilai..At this moment tgh tunggu boss men golf ngan client. I bet x lame lagi pun i kene start men gak..But my target is next year. Yep, after married!Now xleh la nak start,..xde budget! And seru tu x sampai lagi. Event raksasa pun dah ajak g driving range bljr swing dulu...Well, kalo i ni nk men,..dh lame i men....