
RabuNoWords: Soon to be 2

11:52 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Ps: What should I plan for him? ...


Babye 20's

8:04 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Thank you to all of you who wished me on my born day. My Gratitude to ALLAH S.W.T, who has given me a breath until today. The most powerful and merciful that has giving me sustenance. And He surrounded me with beautiful people like all of you. And on my birthday,  I also would like to wish the very best for...


Home Ideas

Wish: Backyard Awning Idea

10:37 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Selamat Hari Jumaat. Nice date is it 1 Safar (2) 1434. Alhamdulillah...Allah melanjutkan usia hingga ketika ini. This time I just to share what I wish for my house. Ceewaahh,..semenjak ade rumah sendiri macam2 berangan. But progress agak slow di sini kerana fulus kureng. Actually ari tu ade la bincang2 ckit ngan abah n daddy pasal our house. At the moment...


Family Foodie Trip

1:25 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hi everyone,..Happy Tuesday!..Today still terasa kepenatan berfamili day last 2 weken. Padahal bukan drive pun. Jd passenger je. This one consider at my 1st Family Trip with famili in law after kawen. Penah plan itu ini, tp pospon atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Since cuti weken pun just 2 hari, so kiteorg decide g yang dekat2 je. They decided a trip to Melaka....


Sushi & Pregnancy

5:30 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Holla everyone... Hari ni I'm craving sushi...huhu. Sangat craving bila tgk raw salmon sushi. Well yea,..byk article cakap raw food not good for pregers. But after I read the article. I bought some for me. Just a small treat! Dont worry. I know what kind of raw food I cant take. Just a little, I believed it wont give much effect....


Me & 10 Weeks

5:00 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hollaa everyone! Few days x update pepaham je lah hormon. ahahaha...hormon la sangat aku ni.. 10 weeks - Dah bukak buku merah semalam. Bos bek hati lepas kan saya 3 jam. Thanx boss, will get u more projects. Cume after this nak kene wat blood test plak kat klinik lain. Skrg ni KK SK yang aku g ni dah tukar time....


Wishlist 2nd Baby Part 1

2:03 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hahahahahahaha...awal sangatkan. Ni kire mengidam untuk 2nd baby. Nazhan dulu ade gak pakai ni tp on weken je la. Now was thinking nak gune sepenuh nye utk 2nd baby. Cloth Diaper Itti Bitti  or  Grovia or ANY BRAND IN THE MARKET... Can anyone suggest any website/blogshop that sale in package? Now dah nak kene start budget2 untuk adik Nazhan. It's very...


WW : Hadif Nazhan from 0 to Hero

4:33 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Fresh From Oven Day 1 A Week Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months 4 Months 5 Months 6 Months 7 Months 8 Months 9 Months  10 Months 11 Months 1 Year ...


Random Preggy Mum

3:12 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Nak almost abis time rehat, curi2 masa jap hapdate blog. How's everyone today? Had a great day so far? Well mine not so much. I can't concentrate much on my job. haiihh...*x baik mengeluh* Yeaahh so true. Each pregnancy is different. This time I feel fatigue, nausea (not in the morning) and no mood. In easy word is LAZY!. Tadi dah sempat...


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