
Our Cave is Ready

12:48 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hollaaa everyone...Salam 11 Ramadhan. Wahh..dh nak stgh bulan kite berpuasa. Time running sooo fasssttt (ayat klise)...Ari ni ari terakhir Bulan Julai...Come August...lg 4 Bulan dah masuk 2013. Waaahhh sekejapnyee... If u oll realize my blog nih...start dulu when I was a student. Too bad, x dapat tarik from Friendster punye blog..sob..sob..sob! I start with Friendster punye blog, then later tukar tu...


The Beauty of Pregnant..

2:07 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Salam 5 Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah, masih di beri nikmat berpuasa dan melakukan amal ibadat. At this moment I fell so happy...happy sampai happy tears pun kuar same. =') Most of my closed frens and officemate is  preggy. Ooowhh i miss that moment very much! Ade yg preggy 1st which soon nk deliver, ade yg baru preggy 2nd baby, ade yang 3rd and so...


Rezeki Ramadhan

4:25 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Salam 3rd Ramadhan to all my muslim frens. How's your Ramadhan so far? Great?... Mine was fine. I just missed my 1st night terawikh, suddenly i just fell asleep that night. huhuhu melepas malam pertama guwe! 2nd night and last night, Nazhan really test my patient. After 3rd Terawih, he's boring and crying n screaming out of his lung. I'm like...


Going to have it soon...

4:50 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hooolllaaa everyone... Just wana share a gud news here.... We are going to get this soon..... As you can see the ring is still empty,..by this weken Insyallah the owner going to hand it over to us. I'm Glad. Subhanallah....Syukran ya Allah! Rezeki nak sambut Ramadhan. Owwhh by the way, how's your preparation for Ramadhan? Hope this will be a SUPER DUPER...


Our Own Sweet Cave

5:43 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Last entry, I did shared with all of you about 1 of my wishlist in 2012... Yes definitely to have our own cave sweet cave. Actually my plan is just to have a cave at Saujana Impian. With the price is still consider ok laahh. But on one sweet morning after breakfast, we have arranged an appointment with owner of the house...



1:50 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Another activity for this Saturday. Heeyyy everyone...Kids Fun cooking Workshop is back!! Any mummy and daddy would like to register you kids for fun activity ?? Let's have fun with food. ...


What happened to me??

11:43 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Dah selesai mengarang semalam tp pg ni nk touch up, too bad terdelete masa nak upload. So have to do it once again. This entry might be borink to certain reader. "Haiihh die ni xde cite lain ker??", I admit my life quite borink lately. Borink teramat! Sampai aku xtau dah apa nak cerita. Aku bukan kaki traveling, kalo traveling pun...


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