Assalamualaikuma w.b.t, Apps : Picsay & Picsplay in Samsung Note ...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Salam 24 Ramadhan,..Eh! Tarikh mule kapel ngan hubby dulu.... Owhh siyes...aku dh xde mood nak kroje. Dis week cume nk complete kan keje je. Pagi2 drive to ofis dengar lagu raya...ooowwhh tersangat lah efeknye...Dah rindu bau sawah di perlis...Dah rindu nak balik jumpe pamatok (3 serangkai) kat perlis. So xde pe sangat nak hapdate...just cite2 on weken je. Last Saturday ade sesape...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, from: I'm just having fun trying out the apps in Facebook. Well, yeaaaahh..It's come to my thought that I'm looking forward to change my career which at this moment I'm in IT Business Development. What I'm doing now is something to do with Sales & Marketing. Out of my study line. Well at a time I'm happy with what I'm doing...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Ramadhan has almost come to an end. Raya will come soon. And still I'm not preparing anything much. This weken want to make simple kuih raya. Hopefully x malas when the day comes. This is my 2nd iftar kat luar. 1st iftar kat luar masa join mama with Kettha Iftar. Ingat nak melobi at the same xpe la. Next time! Kali...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Ginger & Nazhan..menyakat each other! Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6 ...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Salam 18 Ramadhan 1433H... Actually aku ari ni mood x brapa nak ada. Plus sakit tekak aku ni dah 18 hari x baik2. Asyik batuk2 je, nak bercakap pun susah. Semalam almost mcm nk kene asma. Batuk yang menekan2 dada. Xtau nk makan pe lg dah nak bagi baik batuk ni. Siyesly kerengkong ni rasa perit n gatal ya amat. Doakan...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Just to ponder something and share with all of you.... Do you recognise the picture below? Di klasifikasikan sebagai Kes Bunuh (Wallahualam) - Eksekutif Pentadbiran TV9 (Syaleza Jaffar) Have you read this story? Kemalangan di Keramat AU (1/8/2012) - credit to OnDScene Semua orang tahu kisah di atas kan...Sedih sunggoh baca kedua2 kisah ni. And ade jugak kisah yang lain tidak kurang jauh...