Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hollaa everyone! Few days x update pepaham je lah hormon. ahahaha...hormon la sangat aku ni.. 10 weeks - Dah bukak buku merah semalam. Bos bek hati lepas kan saya 3 jam. Thanx boss, will get u more projects. Cume after this nak kene wat blood test plak kat klinik lain. Skrg ni KK SK yang aku g ni dah tukar time....
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hahahahahahaha...awal sangatkan. Ni kire mengidam untuk 2nd baby. Nazhan dulu ade gak pakai ni tp on weken je la. Now was thinking nak gune sepenuh nye utk 2nd baby. Cloth Diaper Itti Bitti or Grovia or ANY BRAND IN THE MARKET... Can anyone suggest any website/blogshop that sale in package? Now dah nak kene start budget2 untuk adik Nazhan. It's very...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Fresh From Oven Day 1 A Week Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months 4 Months 5 Months 6 Months 7 Months 8 Months 9 Months 10 Months 11 Months 1 Year ...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Nak almost abis time rehat, curi2 masa jap hapdate blog. How's everyone today? Had a great day so far? Well mine not so much. I can't concentrate much on my job. haiihh...*x baik mengeluh* Yeaahh so true. Each pregnancy is different. This time I feel fatigue, nausea (not in the morning) and no mood. In easy word is LAZY!. Tadi dah sempat...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Kembali bersiaran setelah 12 hari x bersiaran. Saya x bz tp saya malas. Syndrom yang sama saya alami ketika mengandungkan nazhan. Mood kemalasan nak hapdate. Happy 9 weeks preggy to me! Tup tup...dh 9. Huhuhu journey will go on. So far like my 1st pregnancy, I xde alah pepe sgt. Xde rasa loya2, nausea ke ape. Alhamdulillah sampai skrg I'm survive....
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hoollaaa... Thank you for all your wishes & prays....*hugs* I have also informed my both parents a day before the entry. They are happy for me too. Nazhan is going to be a Big Brother. And people has noticed that he act more like a brother lately. It's a sign actually. Now I'm in 7 weeks plus. At this phase I...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, It's been a while x blog. Not in the mood. Plus the material pun x snap. X best la kan blog without picas. Woraittt... There is a news that I want to share with all my lovely frens (readers..ade kah??). Some of you might knew it earlier. But to make it official I would like to announce it here.... Hopefully after...