
RabuNoWords: Soon to be 2

11:52 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Ps: What should I plan for him? ...


Babye 20's

8:04 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Thank you to all of you who wished me on my born day. My Gratitude to ALLAH S.W.T, who has given me a breath until today. The most powerful and merciful that has giving me sustenance. And He surrounded me with beautiful people like all of you. And on my birthday,  I also would like to wish the very best for...


Home Ideas

Wish: Backyard Awning Idea

10:37 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Selamat Hari Jumaat. Nice date is it 1 Safar (2) 1434. Alhamdulillah...Allah melanjutkan usia hingga ketika ini. This time I just to share what I wish for my house. Ceewaahh,..semenjak ade rumah sendiri macam2 berangan. But progress agak slow di sini kerana fulus kureng. Actually ari tu ade la bincang2 ckit ngan abah n daddy pasal our house. At the moment...


Family Foodie Trip

1:25 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hi everyone,..Happy Tuesday!..Today still terasa kepenatan berfamili day last 2 weken. Padahal bukan drive pun. Jd passenger je. This one consider at my 1st Family Trip with famili in law after kawen. Penah plan itu ini, tp pospon atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Since cuti weken pun just 2 hari, so kiteorg decide g yang dekat2 je. They decided a trip to Melaka....


Sushi & Pregnancy

5:30 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Holla everyone... Hari ni I'm craving sushi...huhu. Sangat craving bila tgk raw salmon sushi. Well yea,..byk article cakap raw food not good for pregers. But after I read the article. I bought some for me. Just a small treat! Dont worry. I know what kind of raw food I cant take. Just a little, I believed it wont give much effect....


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