
Natural Remedy for Daddy's Heart.

2:54 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Nothing much to blog about except to share you about natural remedy which sent by Mr Rasaksa. So last night I spent my time in the kitchen to make this for him. Since in my n his family have a history on heart problem, it's wake up call for him. Later i will blog bout my borink life ok! n_n! *wink..wink*...


I'm 25...weeks la!

5:21 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Kehadapan kawan2 blogers ku sekalian...cewaahh cam tulis warkah buat kekasih plak! How are you doing people?...Bz?..Sihat? Me Alhamdulillah, so far so gooooooood! Empty kan blog, xde entry. Biasa la mood swing to left to the right. Mood orang preggy cm ni lah. Mula-mula rasa nak menulis, macam2 terjah. While writing suddenly mood level drop to -ve...so no entry for that day....


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