Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Ingat nak load gambar pasal few babymoon stories yang dah basi tu. But i feel this time I wana share something more important. Some kind of REMINDER or TIPS for HUSBAND! Since I also pregnant why not if I'm sharing about HUSBAND's ROLE, MANNER & ENCOURAGEMENT. Some of husbands out there must be forgotten about this or maybe some of them...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Last time entry pasal breastpump. Which I plan to have. Now pasal feeding bottle. Yep I'm BF mum. But once I off to work surely baby need bottle for feeding. Unless hubby would allow me for 6 months unpaid leave so i can exclusively breastfeed my baby then bottle maybe wont be a priority at the moment. I plan to have...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Celam celum sunggoh blog aku nih...jap ade jap xde...nak kate bz sgt, x pun...cume time je selalu x kene. Xleh nk concentrate fokus nak tulis blog. Mesti ade je mende lain come in the middle. So mood berblog selalu terbabas di situ. This time nak share pasal SUSU! Salah satu dari makanan penting dalam Piramid Pemakanan. Susu is best consume every twice a...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, I Choose To ....... When... I'm Stressed. I'm Furious. I'm Angry. I'm Being Pushed. I'm Sad. I'm Touched. I'm Happy. Ps: feel nervous and I'm crying. Hopefully everything is fine! ...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Just a simple review. I know this is not a famous wanted hospital recommended pump. But I have suggested my gud fren to use this pump, since her budget is limited. And she's satisfied. Cuma ari tu I tanye review die, pump die give problem sebab air masuk tube. To me it's normal issue when it comes to tube masuk air...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Dah lame x menaip scara karangan. Sowi lah. X bz pun tp phone wosak..aiyoyoyoooo. Maka terencat lah segala posting yg nk d publish tu. But will update my boring life utk tatapan sume...coz i kan ade seciput reader! Hehehe...hadooo ke? Now phone dh ok...dh upgrade software. Which terasa cm gune phone baru. Padahal just software ngan bateri je. Huhu Tp i'm...