
36 Weeks, still enjoy!

1:07 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Today is my 36th Weeks. Dah pun mencapai kematangan, or we called it full term. So i will deliver this baby anytime soon. But I hope it will be on the week of 40th. Mean another 4 weeks more to go. My preparation almost complete. 1. Mummy hospital bag - checked 2. Baby hospital bag - checked 3. Bedding Set -...


Mummy & Baby Stuff Update

11:51 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Now dah 34 weeks, 41 more days to go...weeehuuuu! Yayyy.... Alhamdulillah..perjalanan 1st n 2nd trimester agak mencabar but I'm fine. Now in 3rd trimester, perut dah selalu mengeras. And skrg ni bertambah penat bila dah pindah ofis. Dulu ofis 1st floor je, nak panjat tangga cam ok lg. Now dah tersangat penguin! Since there was a Pureen Warehouse Sale & Baby...


BabyMoons with Famili

5:47 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Entri kali agak berbau basi2 gitew. Sebab ku upload gambar2 babymoon yang bulan lepas. Pregnancy kali ni banyak babymoon je ngan famili, kalo dulu byk makan tempat best2 secara percuma. =) Babymoon ni xde lah g obesea pun. Just local places je, sape kate Malaysia xde tempat yang menarik. Before this I've already blog my 1st babymoon kat Melaka, Famili day...


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