
Forty Weeks & Uno day

10:46 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Hoolllaaaa....hi everyone! Yeaahhh dun be surprise as I still can update my blog. At the moment I'm not in the hospital or labor room. I'm in the office..sangat berdedikasi kan. I came to work on off depend on my condition actually. If I feel fine and boring to stay at home alone so I come to work. Nak g ronda2 shopping...


Tips Buat Suami Ketika Isteri Berpantang

11:52 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Today is sharing is caring entry. These tips I got from FB...so credit to u. Tips Untuk Suami Ketika Isteri Sedang Berpantang 1. Para suami, bangunlah lebih awal sebelum isteri bangun dari tidur selama tempoh berpantang. Sediakanlah air mandian untuk isteri anda. Rebuskan daun-daun kayu untuk air mandian si isteri. Biasanya seminggu pertama, digalakkan mandi air rebusan daun ini untuk kembalikan...


Baby's Room

11:00 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Finally Baby's Room is ready...not fully ready tp boleh gune la. Yang x abis nye tu part painting and wall decoration. Boleh plak Mr Rasaksa tersalah cat...huhu. Pas tu nak tunggu die cat plak, hazablah jawabnye. Xpe lah, hopefully Mr Rasaksa bleh continue after balik dr confinement nanti. Haiihhh bile laa nak branak nih... Dah lame berangan nak Baby's Room nih....


Waiting for the BIG SIGN!

11:47 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Salam 1 Dunia! Well...well..welll.....Alhamdulillah. Saya masih lg di sini, blum branak2 lg. Bernafas di bumi Allah yang luas terbentang dan sedang menghitung hari menanti kehadiran permata kedua FASZ, baby DM! Yup Baby DM, we already have a name for him. But we only reveal his full name on the 7th Day, after his dad registered at JPN. It's mean confirmed! hehehe.....


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