Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Helloo everyone... Have something for your baby.... It's called JINBEI KIMONO from Google : Jinbei Kimono Nazhan Wear Blue Jinbei This is originally imported from JAPAN. There is 2 colours: BLUE & WHITE Size: 90 (1 pieces left) and 95 (1 pieces left) (suitable for boy & girl 1 year above) PRICE: RM60 RM 50 + RM6 (postage) Email : pu3cleopatra[a]gmail[.]com Blue...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Salam Oktober buat sekelian readers. Walaaweeeyyy lg 2 bulan 2014! haiihh..2013 not so much achievement. Cam mano nih??!! Alhamdulillahhh..I got few gud feedback bout MiPump First Year. Thank you for quoting me in your blog Ana Farhana. Dulu ade one of my friend pun komen about this. Masa tu die tengah cari pump, then I suggested this pump. Since it's cute...