Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Yesterday, while driving back home I was listening to my old mp3 collections song. Suddenly this song strike my ears. Listening to those words make me cry. Why? I was thinking about nowadays generation. Our youth. Even us a parents and community especially. Try to understand every phrases below.... Runaway love (8x) Now little Lisa's only nine years old She's tryin'...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Alhamdulillahhhhhh...MasyaAllahhhhh...SubhanaAllah....Allah masih memberi aku peluang untuk bernafas di bumi penuh barakah ini selama 30 tahun (dah masuk extra 1 hari). I'M 30...Thirthy...Three Zero... Rasa cam budak2 lagi...huhu. Apa nak jadi ni...padahal anak dah 2. Kalo zaman dulu anak dah 3-4...wuhuhuhu. Thank you so much to all of you who has wished me and pray for me. Hanya Allah sahaja yang dapat...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, What a fun-tiring weekends! Had a blast moment with my families and cousins. Again, Congratulations to my cousin Aina and welcum to the family Hanafi. The family grows bigger. And now it's our phase of marriage and have a kids. After half day working, rushed back home and pack stuff. Ingat nak bertolak lepas sembahyang Jumaat, plan ke laut. Tangan still...