
Asthma Attack!

2:19 PM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, I'm on MC today! Too bad huh...Syafakillah. Tak mengapalah, sakit kan penghapus dosa. Allah kasihkan hambanya dengan menguji sesuatu. Sebagai hamba aku bersabar dengan ujian Dia. Alhamdulillah, penyakit aku boleh lagi di kawal. Tak seteruk penyakit sahabat-sahabat lain yang lebih complicated. I just took my meds, maybe sooner I need to sleep. Those meds make me sleepy. Talking about asthma, it...


Ahlan Wa Sahlan 2015

10:58 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, AHLAN WA SAHLAN 2015 This would be my 1st entry for 2015... Perhaps everyone already has their 2015's Resolutions. May Allah ease us this year ahead... For everybody in the world What ever colour their skin may be What ever their religion may be What ever their situation may be good health, lots of love...possibilities and....be grateful! One of my biggest...


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