PICC Bridal Fair - Part I

4:43 PM


Berblog ku di PICC Putrajaya sempena Bridal Fair 2009.
Now take a break jap from my task, lepak kat belakang booth!

Letih??..ermm x sangat pun,..tp lenguh ckit la kat pinggang!
Maybe pasal aku berdiri lame2 sangat kot sambil melayangkan flyers..
There will be another Bridal Fair nextweek kat Ampang Point!
This one tak decide nk join ke x...pasal takut ade appointment ngan client,.
And kalo bleh priority is to baby sit anak kak elena je..

So pagi tadi aku sampai kat PICC ni around 9++am...
and nampak a guy tgh setup booth...ghupenye2 die la hubby kak elena...JASNI!
orait this is the guy who dun have trust on me!..hopfully after this die ok! =D

Actually aku x sabar2 nk baby sit,..tp di sebabkan xde ofer len tangkap je la ofer wedding nih! janji aku x duk saje2...

And at almost 12, my baby datang! Since i asked him to come...bukan pe at least he knows what i'm doing...and die g merayap kejap kat sekitar tu..but aku x dpt nk teman die coz i need to do my task...so he asked me to have the brouchers later..

In this event jumpe a few budak uniten, x sangka yg aku x kenal but kenal aku...and ade gk la frens too...and Iela datang bawak bf (bakal suami!) die...so this is the guy ghupenyee...chinese lookss....yea we both go for chinese lookss...huhuhu

Now dh 5pm...and i'm going back at 6 today,...my time upsss!!!

I can say i had a great time today...meeting people with various style of attitude..
Nice to know Elena's Family!...cant wait to meet the baby...

tomorrow will be 2nd day at PICC...will be continued..

Some pikces from the booth:

Make Up Artist Eleena Lamat

Booth 14 : Eleena Lamat

Farmasi Free Self-Service Make-Up Trial

Made to Measure Dress Sample

Rasa mcm nk kawen plak bile duk kat sini....tp ntah la,..wat masa skrg ni better senyap je dulu...

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