Assalamualaikum,I'm sicked today,..eerrghhh!!*Cont on 2nd Feb 2010*Actually pada ketika itu, aku sebenarnye berada on couch di rumah.After meeting ngan client aku terus ke klinik.Migraine datang menyerang balik. Sehari sebelum tu aku dh start sakit kepala. Igtkan after mkn ubat bleh lega...Leeegaaa!! tp cume sementara. X sangka masa meeting aku rasa balik kesakitan tu...So this is 2 medicine given by the doc.1. Ubat Migraine2....
Assalamualaikum,I just finished deco this stuff with my maid of honor, MISS EILA PINKYIf you remember entry WDP: SSF Barang Deco. So this is the result...Bekas LilinLilin GemukThank you darling!Actually ni x siap sepenuhnya lagi. Nak touch up lg nih! So nanti kene g beli lg brg2 die. haaaiiihhhh....duit lg!!. ...
Assalamualaikum,Last night after coming back from shopping Jalan T.A.R. I've baked myself a Tiramisu. Basically we didnt baked tiramisu, just chill it in the refrigerator.And this is my 1st time trying to make TIRAMISU....The Ingredient:Lady Finggers4/5 Egg YolksSugarCoffee ExpressoMascorpone CheeseHeavy CreamMix Coffee Expresso with 4 tablespoons of Sugar for 1 1/2 cup.Beat the egg yolks with sugar till fluffy in a bowl of...
Assalamualaikum,Dah 5000KM lebiy ghupenye My KaCiP KiCaP tu merayap! So harus lah membawanya ke klinik Pro2 utk pemeriksaan biase. Alhamdulillah...terbelanja dalam RM100 je. Kalo x mau la terlebiy budget sudeyy..After setle je terus gerak g amik Eila. Ape lagi, merayap area Jln. T.A.R la. Ekspidisi kali ni adelah untuk mencari barang2 deco macam lilin, bekas lilin, bunga, riben, n mcm2 la. Lokasi nye...
Assalamualaikum,On my last in penang, our team sume gerak g Batu Feringghi.Since my otak always thinking about wedding preparation, so i figure out this might be useful to deco my bride+groom room.Total of spending on this "Bola-bola Api" is around RM70. But i think it will be a practical use as it will be in our (rasaksa's) room later.Taaaadaaaaaa.... ^_^!!Bola-bola api saya.... ...
Assalamualaikum,Just coming back from Penang ekceli. Ade IT conference kat sane. My comp and partners are organizer for the event. 1 whole day kat TRADERS Hotel(Shangri-La). But we stayed at VISTANA!ORGANIZERSArawak INformation System (SAINS)Silicon Intranet & Networking (KL, JB & Penang Branches)(A member of Silicon Group & SAINS)Tech Innovasi Sdn Bhd(Biz partner with SAINS)Upon arival at TradersIT ConferenceFood that night Before & After...
Assalamualaikum,Yesterday, I recieved sms from Mr Rasaksa;Mr Rasaksa: " Chynk, org da sampai hotel. Rest 30 min, then nak jln2..Cr sovenir+tkp gambar. How's Malaysia? =p miss me x?^^ "..I replied,Me:" Hi bby,.muahs. Ic, njoy urself dear. Msia hot! "Saje x msg pepe pasal miss him or not...(",)sape x rindu fianceee oiii?? *nada filem p.ramlee*i'm not gona update blog for few days...out station to...
Assalamualaikum,Another story bout fotoshut. I've done my outdoor fotoshut with Iela. Eventho she's not like other freelance out there. But i think she's done her job well. And I like it.Well this fotoshut at 1st, plan nak ride Hop on Bus. But the weather is not so gud. X nak la nanti nek bus tu but then ujan...ape kes kan!So untuk lebiy selamat,...
Assalamualaikum,I'm just coming back from KLIA. Sent Mr Rasaksa away to Geneva for a week. His flight at 11.59pm. This is his 1st Business Trip to Europe asigned by his new workplace. Not new's already 1 year plus with current workplace. Adekah next time die out station aku bleh ikutt same??!! *kelekuk* kene saykeyh!Mama and Afif pun ikut sama g antar die...
Assalamualaikum,Now..aku tgh lepak2 update blog. Xde keje?? kehkehkeh..ade tp xde mud nak ngadap! X kuar dating?..err Mr Rasaksa kate nanti die call. Sibuk siap kan kroje before ke Geneva selama seminggu start Isnin nih.Huuurrmmm ape nak buek yek bile Inchik Baby saye xde?? mau merayap kah? mau lepak2 dgn kawan2 kah? hohoho26th ni dah ade kawe den dah booking..Azlin! Nak lepak2 ngan die...
Assalamualaikum,Ari ni merayap sakan dgn F-MIL (future mother in law). Skali la dgn mr rasaksa and adiknya. Kami merayap kat Nilai 3 mencari barang2 kawen. Bukan ape sgt pun just bunga pahar (bunga telur), gift bag and barang deco.yg ni beli utk DIY hand bouquetbunga pahar di dalam kotakSempat lg F-MIL banjer lunch and dinner. Nyumm Nyumm...thanx auntie!! (belum bleh panggil mak lg...tunggu...
Assalamualaikum,Haaa ade part II, jgn jeles...hehehe!Ni Mr rasaksa invite me on Thursday (14/01/10).Bulan JAN ade 3 beday boy now is 5 beday boy in JAN. huuuu pas ni kopak laaa..Baby 7 JanAfif 13 JanAkil 5 JanJJ 20 JanMy Angah 27 JanSo ini yg sempat di capture ari tu.JAN Baby's Cake3 Beday Boys : Afif, Akil and Along (Mr Rasaksa) = 3As'Fire on...
Assalamualaikum,Alhamdulillah, barang hantaran sume dah almost complete. Tinggal 3 mende je lagi nak kene beli.* Hantaran Rahsia ^_^* Tepak Sirih* Sirih JunjungAri sabtu tu kiteorg meredah Maju Junction utk mengambil barang yang telah di order iaitu Kitab Feqah & Al-Quran (yg ni biase je!!). Aku memang dah niat utk letak Kitab Feqah as salah satu barang hantaran. Ade lah dalam 6 Jilid dalam...
Assalamualaikum,Tanggal 7 Januari 198? maka lahir lah se-ekor rasaksa....aaaauuuummmm! Tibe-tibe datang se-ekor Ultraman untuk menyelamatkan bandar KL dr xpe kL time tu banyak lg tanah kosong...Ehhh apeeeedaaaa...ini supose to be cite seorg mamat nih menyambut Hari Kelahirannye..Jgn marah ek Inchik Baby!! =pOn that day kebetulan plak papa datang KL ade meeting. So malam tu aku berlibur bersama 2 jejaka kesayangan! =DSelepas dinner...