Assalamualaikum,..At this moment,..I'm already someone else wife.Update later!!. ...
Assalamualaikum,I'm gona get married soon to a man that I loved.There is also a man in my life that I luv so much since the 1st day,..the 1st time he hold me, the 1st time he Iqamat to me. Mama said, he's the one who bath me for the 1st time. He's the one who drove me all around Pekan Ipoh, to make...
Assalamualaikum,I dun know where to to start...I've been reading, blogwalking, blog hoping a lot since I've created this blog. Banyak mende yg boleh dipelajari from pepel's blog. Everyone has their own story to tell, a story to share. Same like me,..just wana share with pepel who wana know bout my life. Thanx to my reader...especially my silent one. Ye la kan, kite...
Assalamualaikum,..Saya akan pulang ke rumah kayangan esok. Saya kena pulang awal utk selesaikan a few perkara persiapan akhir majlis pernikahan serta kenduri saya yang bakal berlangsung x lama lagi.Segala persiapan bermula sejak saya bertunang dengan Mr Rasaksa dah hampir ke akhirnya..Alhamdulillah kebanyakan perkara telah tersedia. Dan yang lain2 nya masih lagi dalam proses. Banyak yang ingin saya kongsikan tentang persiapan ke gerbang perkahwinan....
Assalamualaikum,..I'm proudly present to you my**MAID OF HONOR** Miss EILA PINKY.She's going to handle my event on that day...Allah take one from me,..and He gave the other one.... ...
Assalamualaikum,..It's gona be my last entry tonite before I go to sleep,..Still so many things to do with limited time...Esok nak merayap beli barang deco utk tempahan kawan saya. Yep, saya dan eila dah menerima tempahan utk barangan hantaran or deco.After shoping go for Manicure & Pedicure...aarrrhhhh cant wait!Today I had a blast hangout with my frens. It supposed to be x-kypm girl's...
Assalamualaikum,..Ooohhh penink,..make up ku!I siyesly wana look like this..and also like this??Basically I like western bride make up style but for the eye I wana look more like arabian eye make up style.Like I said, I make up myself for my solemization. So there will be no eyebrow shaping what so ever...It's gona remain natural..Just wana be myself on my big day..... ...
Assalamualaikum,..huuu~ 7 day's left before I go back my hometown. I dah start pack my stuff. Bukan pe kalo wat last minute takut nanti tertinggal plak. So wat awal x rugi ape-ape. Actually byk sebenarnye barang I yg nak kene pack ni. After married akan move out to rumah hubby plak but since xde kotak lg. Currently I stayed at my aunt's house....
Assalamualaikum,..Hi readers,..I would like to thanx all of u who sudi to read my life story. Xde la pepe sangat pun kan about me,..nuthing much interesting. But this is what happened or happening to me. And I believed all of you out there have different story to tell. So this time I would like to share about me & Mr Rasaksa. How FASZ...
Assalamualaikum,..Dengar lah oh luahan hati ku...T_T"Ohhh My Loveeee...Berpisah kita wat sementara waktuuu...Semoga Allah menemukan kita pada masa yang ditetapkan nanti..." << lamenyee 26 Feb 2010.haaahahaha,..aku tau! Aku sangat laahh poyo...Baru ari ni start utk berjauhan dr Mr Rasaksa. Sepatutnya awal Feb ni lagi aku xleh jumpa die. Ini adalah nasihat dari org dahulu kala,..almaklumlah darah manis! * gigit ckit! =D * ,..dan untuk...
Assalamualaikum,..Alhamdulillah,..I've got myself a session with IDOCREATIVE for outdoor post-wedding.Hoooyyyaaayyyy~~~Masa tu die tgh wat PROMOTION FREE POTRAITURE.Actually he's one of the list utk My Wedding Photography. He's offered me wit a gud price. And if you see his artwork pun, Not Bad! I loikee it...But becoz of budget constraint on my side,..have to forget bout him. But wish i could ask him for...
Assalamualaikum,..I accidentally balik kampung dis week. WHY? Becoz Mr Rasaksa balik Alor Staq. It was happened that, his cousin past away while he's on the way to fetch me for outing on Saturday evening. Instead of asking me out he offered me if i wana go back to kampung or not. After I think a while, then I said YESSSS!Ni baru stgh jam...
Assalamualaikum,Subuh2 tadi baru settle abiskan deco picture frame utk hias kat Guestbook Corner. And picture frame ni pun akan digunakan as Table Signage utk VIP. Or maybe gak inside Bride Room.This picture frame will be decored (gramer yg salah ok!) together with candle and tea candle!Ooohh ape cerita ngan Guestbook saya??Masih lagi dalam pembikinan...*acecece cm wat album plak*Bahan boleh di katakan dah ade.But...
Assalamualaikum,2 week left till Hari Pertabalan saya.Alhamdulillah banyak mende setle within time.Penunjuk arah pun dah setle. Selalu kite tengok orang print kan. But mine, different ckit,..Hand Made! I kno..I kno...u all will kutuk2 me punye. Tp I prefer this one which apeal my childhood side. *childhood sgt!*Direction SignageIni lah die,..hasil budak taska mane ntah! ^_^Tinggal nak luminate & lilit ribbon. A night before...
Assalamualaikum,Haaaa last Friday on 5th Feb my company organized Chinese New Year Dinner 2010.We were served by 8 meal course and i felt sooo bloated that night.Sambil makan2, kiteorg men game! Alaa simple je,..teka gula2 dalam balang! ( I know sound ntah ape-ape je layan je la!) Team Jarod menang. And hadiahnye ade lah branded choc. Tp bukan lahh GODIVA ocaayyy! (x...
Assalamualaikum,Asyik cite hunymooonnn je kan aku nih. Actually ni bukan lah hunymoon betul2 pun.Last weken, sempena ngan hari wilayah aku and Mr Rasaksa pulang ke kampung halaman ku di Kota Kayangan.I think this is his 1st time turun ke perlis by bus. Long journey doo! Along the way he's being soo nice n sweett...Activities we did in perlis,Sabtu, 30 January 2010.## Pagi ##...
Assalamualaikum,Woooraittt,..Since entry lepas tercite pasal hunymoon, so aku cont je la cite hunymoon for this entry k.Actually aku xde la harap sgt pun nk g hunymoon obercee or mane2 skrg ni..kalo ade tu namenyee rezeki la kn..n harus la pegi!Dulu berangan, slalu gk la cakap2 ngan Mr Rasaksa nak g merayap satu dunia. Kalo bleh xnk la g attraction place yg luxury punye..Nak...
Assalamualaikum,Waaaaa tinggai lg 3 weeks,..21 days je lagi!I'm bz with the preparation. So far byk mende dh selesai kecuali pembayaran akhir. huuuu...baru la rasa mcm uuuwaaaaa byk giler $$$$ keluar.Nak update blog bukan kate x sempat tp kat umah streamyx on hold sbb my aunt x g byr lg. Nak online kat ofis pun curik2 je..(jawab la nanti kat akhirat...huhu)Byk giler den nk...