
Forgive me...

2:46 PM


I dun know where to begin...how to start...

I've been reading, blogwalking, blog hoping a lot since I've created this blog. Banyak mende yg boleh dipelajari from pepel's blog. Everyone has their own story to tell, a story to share. Same like me,..just wana share with pepel who wana know bout my life. Thanx to my reader...especially my silent one. Ye la kan, kite semua semakin kesuntukan masa. Masing-masing sibuk dengan kehidupan sendiri, alpa akan perhubungan sesama manusia juga penting.

Blog ni wujud untuk berkongsi cerita dgn kawan2 yang sibuk x ada masa bertegur sapa bertanyakan khabar. Dan yang paling penting, It's my open diary! Sekadar nak memeriahkan dunia blogger.

Since I'm gona get married, I banyak hoping to many wedding blog and also married blog. See their life evolved from time to time. Macam I, x lame lagi blog I pun akan berubah content. Dari seorg pelajar, kepada seorang kekasih,..kepada seorang tunang dan seterus-terusnya...

Life has come to an end...

To all people who read or may read this blog...
To my dearest friends since kindergarten till university time...
To my boyfriends,..my girlfriends,..my ex's,..my colleagues,...
To my teachers & lecturers,..

Please forgive me for any sins that I've made since the day we met. Or maybe along the moment there might be a time that I've hurted you. Sorry with the imperfection that I have.

I thanx Allah for each of you came to my life, bring all the joy and sadness, cheers me in many ways, pain my life with variety of colours even mix it with spices. You showed me different kind of attitude and style.

I felt so glad knowing all of you. Thank you also for a good and bad moment we had together. You gave me the best experiences ever my whole life. With this experiences and memory, it will guide me till the end of my life journey.

To all my dear.....,

Hopefully you'll pray best things for me as I'll pray the best thing to all of you too...



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