28 Minggu Berlalu

11:41 AM


Minggu ni merupakan minggu yang ke 28. Which equal to 7 months. Alhamdulillah! X byk sangat masalah yang timbul selama 7 bulan ni. Sumenye ok. Walopun sume ok, xleh la take for granted kan!

So ari ni g ante-natal check up kali ke 7. Berat pun dh bertambah dr 62 kilo to 64.5 kilo. Tekanan darah ok. Urine ok. Cume hB still low 10.9. Tu pun ade peningkatan ckit la dari dulu. Maybe pasal semalam belasah kerang rebus byk2 kot. hehehe

Dan ari ni jugak aku kene jab 1 Rubella injection. Selalu kalo jarum masuk je dalam skin terasa ckit. This time x rs langsung. Bagus tul nurse nih! Aku igtkan die x suntik2 lg,..tau2 je done. Die kate skrg x rasa pepe lg. Tunggu petang nanti tangan tu akan rasa kebas2 ckit. Ayoyoyo..jgn la xleh drive plak nanti.

- lenguhnye terasa sampai skrg -

After that gerak g KPMC, sbb nak wat check up and scan to fill up insurance punye form. Ooohh yess, me and hubby dah decide nak amik PruMyChild. Which dis one cover from 18 month until 25 years old. And its included with education saver. Well harus lah plan awal2. Ini sumbangan mummy and daddy utk baby nanti!.

But too bad, O&G specialist die halfday, and the other doc was scheduled with surgery I think. So xleh wat. Then I proceed to Annur which is closed plak! Pas tu alang2 dah dekat g Az-Zahrah, try plak kat situ. After waiting for a while, doc tu refer to specialist but she dun wana to fill up the form unless I further wat follow up ngan diorg. Hhhmmm xpe lah I said. I xnk wat follow up kat situ which need more money to spend. For what I spend a lot when I can get it free. Service die pun xde la beza sgt.

Ni la form yang perlu diisi tu tp still pending.

Insyallah Sabtu ni g KPMC lg skali for check-up and scan.

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