Sewa Barang Baby
3:36 PMAssalamualaikum w.b.t,
Last time I promise nak wat satu entry where i nk bg sewa barang baby I which is no longer used by us. Sila rujuk gambar2 di bawah. Reason why i want to rent this out is like i mention before...Nazhan dh x bape nak gune barang2 ni and Nazhan xde adik lg nk reuse barang2 ni. So I sewa kan pd org yg ade budget constraint. Tp akan di sewa kan secara berperingkat.

For Item No 3 & 4 will be rent out next year 2012. Reason: Baby still using it.
Term & Condition:
1. Pay the deposit base on the item price (will be return back the deposit after client return back the item in good condition)
2. Plus you need to pay rental monthly.
3. Self pick up at our place or maybe check point.
4. If the Item that you return has a bit damage then it will be deducted from your deposit.
Any enquiries can email me here pu3cleopatra[a]gmail[dot]com or zihan.zamberi[a]gmail[dot]com.
4 baby's note!
I suka la yg last tu no 5.apa kata u jual je terus kt I?hehe.sbb pening nak byr bulan2.ayat u comel je yg the rest tu bole start rent only nx year sbb now still pakai.awal2 u ckp xberapa suka sgt.hehe.cute je zihan ni
ReplyDelete..hehehe u ni diah ade2 je...xde cutenye!..mcm carseat tu dh jarang pakai, tp kadang2 tu cam perlu gak..haha same to stroller...takut tetibe nk pakai...die dh start jalan actually,..kalo bawak stroller bukan die nak duk, die plak yg nk tolak2...if u want to buy bleh gak...nnti i pm u k! =)
ReplyDeleteno 3 dan 4 tue berapa sewa dan berapa nak jual...
ReplyDeleteemail yer
bagus juga lepas guna sewa @ jual kan..xd la membazir & berhabuk.