Proses Beli rumah..Leceh!

11:46 AM

Kabare sume?..Enak2 belake kah?...Bahaso gapo dio aku kecek nih?..Ok,..aku merapu je!
Blog aku ni kejap on..kejap off…kejap ntah pepe…haiihh…susah nau nak consistent writing. Nak blog pasal mende2 tp masa…oowwhh masa di mana kah dikau? Sambil wat keje ofis nak bloging memang x feel…Ko akan rasa seperti boss menunggu dateline d belakang ko…with rotan dgn spek mata besar bingkai hitam nya…dah macam hape je aku describe nih.
Tingin nak blogging sambil lepak2 di café..minum favourite latte with slice of cake or scone…then tibe2 idea mencurah2 masuk. Menulis sambil senyum2 simpul…Berangan je la bleh…nak kuar weken enjoy sengsorang pun payah. X sampai hati plak nak tinggal anak laki kat umah.
Current story now,..
Aku dalam process nak beli rumah. Dah sampai masanye untuk kiteorg berhybernasi di rumah sendiri. Dah sampai seru kot,..

bukan cam ni pun...berangan je!
Kirenye last month kiteorg start hunting tru …. Then g visit site untuk melihat condition rumah. Kire byk gak la rumah yang kiteorg tengok. Dari single storey low cost, flat low cost, dable story low cost, sampai la terrace , corner lot and semi-d..Until la the last house hubby tunjuk, dekat je ngan umah MIL. 1 kawasan, just different taman je.
Hhhmmm not bad. Rumah very bery the basic, cume ade old kitchen cabinet, and closet tampal kat master bedroom. And this house is Semi-D (dable storey) with keluasan 2.8k sqrf. After visit that house and meet the owner, I realized that rumah tu design ground floor die just like my family’s ex-house in Perlis the bungalow that used to be our home. And suddenly it brings back most of my childhood memory. Then I’m asking myself, is that a good sign or what? Of course la kan…kite kene ade instinct to evaluate whether we are making the right decision or not.
We deal the price with owner, and he agreed that much. But I’m still worried if bank x luluskan our loan. Scared!...Tp at the same time ade la sedikit keyakinan untuk proceed the process to buy the house. Kire ranap abis la sume saving2 yang ade utk bayar 2%+8% and legal fees. Tak pe lah..hubby cakap kite anggap je buying house is another term of investment gak…for lifetime! =)… So ok lahhh!
Now we are done paid owner 2% booking. Settle gak sembang ngan lawyer utk kuar kan draft S&P. Nak apply loan ni pun satu hal. Macam2 nak kena ready ikut keperluan bank. More or less same je.
1.       Payslip, last 3 months
2.       EPF/EA Form
3.       IC copy
4.       Bank Statement
5.       Confirmation Letter
6.       S&P draft/original
Sume dah ready kecuali no 6 tu je, and maybe nextweek nak kene apply cuti berurusan dgn bank. Masa kiteorg dah decide nak beli umah tu and inform owner, nak cari lawyer memang susah. Tp ade a few lawyer membantu gak la dr segi quoting price diorg. Last2 hubby decide utk gune lawyer owner je bg cepatkan process,..penat tanye sane sini…But appreciate with all helps that you gave.
Ghupenye leceh sunggoh kalo nak beli rumah subsale ni,..even kalo nak jual rumah pun susah. Kene bayar itu lah..ini lah...process yang agak leceh and sumenye involve RM ok! Hubby ckp masa beli rumah development baru pun x susah cam ni. Dugaan kot...=)
Kalo d tengok kan pada keadaan rumah tu, macam byk mende gak la yang nak kene wat. My salary dah x cukup utk bayar mende lain. Dulu komitmen kete je, now rumah plak. Hangus lg duit gaji. Tp mudah-mudahan keputusan yang kiteorg buat ni betul dan mohon Allah sentiasa memudahkan urusan kami dan sentiasa merasa cukup dengan rezekiNya.
Mohon jugak kawan2 mendoakan agar impian kami untuk memiliki rumah tercapai ye..thank u!
Insyallah kalo berjaya dapat rumah ni,..maybe we can plan for next baby...hehehe. Doakan skali ye!

Ps: sorry no house picture disclosed...dah confirm ngan bank will share with u all k...

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2 baby's note!

  1. tulah rumah makin mahai, segala fees lagi..than renovation sume nak kne pikir..etty pon dh half part...beli rumah burung jer kt ampang ni..belum mampu nak beli umah ats tanah di tengah kota metropolitan ni..apepon syukur sebab mmg kerja law firm, so byk leh wt sendri hehehe..but sbb owner poyo nk gune lawyer lain jd lems dh proses! cepatlah xsabor nk dok sendri..ameer need new environment..

  2. ..tu la..harga makin melambung..nak2 plak kalo kwsn tu hapening ade byk facilities..memang harga x mampu milik...kiteorg pun kalo tgh kota tu memang x mampu terpaksa lah cari area yg outskirt cikit...nazhan pun needs new environment...nak wat playroom utk die..


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