Halwa Telinga & Hati
12:24 PM Assalamualaikum w.b.t,
How's everyone day? Fulfilling or still empty. Lepas baca ni sure x empty.
It just something that I want to share. Majlis Ilmu secara virtual, secara video. Basically if the office is too silent, with no bosses and colleagues are out for meeting this is what I am doing. Ye la kan, nak join majlis ilmu kat masjid bilenye. Most I will listen through my note or my lappy.
Tp alhamdulillah kat ofis ade wat setiap 2 minggu, di selang seli dengan bacaan yasin, solat hajat & berjemaah dan usrah/halaqah, solat berjemaah & solat hajat.
But sometime rohani kite juge perluka pengisian. So my choice is Ceramah Ustaz Kazem. Penerangan yang straight forward, up to date with issues, kelakar and pengisian yang bagus. And aku orang peyghak, dengor je ler mee-ker berceloteh.
Antara video from youtube,
0 baby's note!