Pine-Dew Popsicle

2:54 PM

Assalamualaikum w.b.t,

Hollaa everyone...Happy Monday!!..What??..Monday Blues??...aiiyakk...Mine so far great lah.

Ok, kali ni pun aku pospon cite company trip tu. huhuhu

Just nak share something I did for Nazhan yesterday. On Saturday I had Kid's Fun Cooking Working with Qrezant, and ade la balance2 ckit2 buah tu. Some of it dah buat juice, and ade balance ckit lagi. Masa menggeledah kabinet atas terjumpe la bekas eskem yg terbiar lame beli kat Daiso dulu. Now baru terasa nak wat eskem home-made kat nazhan which is made from fruit puree.

eskem pine-dew popsicle


A few cubes of Pineapple.
A few cubes of Honey-Dew.

1. Blend all the ingredients together and pour into the ice-cream case.

Senang kan! Nak sodap ko tambah lah ape2 like madu.

See,..he luvs ice cream very much. Now nazhan x perlu nak berebut baskin mummy lagi dah. You have your own eskem. Pas ni sure Mr Rasaksa akan cakap, "ok mummy,..u can stop buying ice-cream since u can make healthy one". Was thinking nak wat eskem mix vegetable untuk Mr Rasaksa. Agak-agak sedap tak?

huhuhu...imagine i make him brocoli ice cream??..yearkkss

Actually x semestinye nak kene beli bekas eskem tu ye...u can be creative like using plastic cup, cup dadih tu ke, or paper cup pun bleh. U just need to but the popsicle stick. Alah..cucuk satay pun bleh! *againwhyaminotthinkingthiswaylasttime*.

Selamat Ber Eskem Sume...

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