
Simple Update

9:07 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Now I'm berehat sekejap before another client's visiting. Yeah totally 100% in SALE! Hate it but I guess it's for a moment only. For those who in sales they will understand me! This week is my 3rd week back to working mother's life. Dah try and error with a few wake up clock. The best is 6am. By 7.15am I need...


Banyaknya BEG

10:27 AM
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Today my last day of maternity leave. haiihhhh...i wish i had longer time. Tapi nanti boring plak. So far dah prektis bangun pagi2 untuk uruskan anak...and yeaaa sume ke laut. But hopefully bile dah start keje will not be like this. Lepas ni dah kene masuk ofis 8am untuk ganti balik masa2 g check up dulu. Ni pun HR kecoh. Mencik.....


Maternity Leave End Soon

11:47 AM
Assalammuakaikum w.b.t, Tak lama je lg..dah nak abis ML. Next week huhu..cam malas je nak masuk ofis. Ari ni Nazhan and Daiman dah di hantar ke rumah BS. Lg pun ari ni awal bulan, better la kan. Senang nk kira-kira end of the month nanti. And today Daiman seriously kene bottle feed. I risau sbb die ni lain ckit. Hari tu tinggal ngan...


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