
Working outside

9:55 PM
Assalamualaikum,Bersiaran dari Coffee Bean Ampang Point. Am i alone?? Nop, my baby is with me now. Most of the time before i plan to come alone but end up stay on my bed. Dunno why.. But i guess after this i need to biase kan diri being alone...Mati pun stay sorang2 gak kan dalam kubur..=pI remind him about watching ICE AGE 3 together,...


Macam-Macam Mende

10:53 PM
Assalamualaikum,Dah rasa sleepy pun. Maklumlah perut kenyang and baru lepas mandi, lepak plak dalam bilik ber'aircond'. Sure la rasa mcm nikmat di kayangan.Malam ni dinner steamboat kt Tupai-Tupai. Which die punye servis ala2 restoran nelayan ttwangsa. Deco errmm ok la kot! Saje malam ni kuar ngan budak2 ofis melantak kat luar. And ajak baby join skali to introduce my ofis mate. So bile...


Letihh daaa

11:03 PM
Assalamualaikum,Been days x hupdate,..not so buzy but my mood feel not so good to write something here. Today kind a ok i think. Meeting early in the morning with this one company. Which at first i judge him 'kerek' coz the way he treat me on the phone like i'm nobody..yea me is nobody! But after meet him, had a talk regarding on...


It's Begin...

5:07 PM
Salam Sayang,Hari sabtu lepas sangat letih pusing2 area TAR. Baru area tu je, tp letihh woo!Now kiteorg dh start tengok2 package2 ofer by certain wedding vendor kat situ, dari butik2, kedai kain, kedai emas and macam2 kedai kiteorg redah. And chynk jd amat penink untuk pilih sume2 bende tu, even baby pun sure dh x terlayan kerenah chynk kn. Apetah lagi pada hari...


Distress Planning

11:32 PM
Salam Sayang,Today hangout ngan Kak M. Aku kenal die since last year, but recently la baru rapat. Suke and admire cara die, sbb ade la persamaan cm aku. The reason why we hangout at 1st place is to talk about business, Kak M ni my client too. But td tercampur aduk la business and personal. At last jadi businal!!..huuu ade ke?Ghupenye kecik2 kak...


Bonda Akhirnyyaa..

12:44 PM
Assalamualaikum,Hooooraayyyyy,...yayyy!! Sukeee sangat! Ari ni bonda nak datang KL. Alhamdulillah! Dapat la mengubat rindu, nk suruh bonda masak!..Bonda masak sedap!=)2 3 minggu lepas aku call bonda,..and sememangnye seminggu 2 3 or lebiy aku call bonda and ayahanda..saje bertanya2 khabar, bertukar2 cerita. Almaklumlaa anakanda diorg ni kan jauh! (aa jauh la sangat kn..)Masa die call ari tu die tanye,"Along on 18 nextweek balik x?"....


Understand U..Understand ME

1:03 PM
Salam Sayang,Petikan artikel di bawah from HMetro.ANDA mungkin antara wanita bertuah. Cantik, berjaya dan hidup mewah kerana memiliki kerjaya hebat. Kalau sudah berkeluarga, anda bagaikan menghampiri kesempurnaan kerana dianugerahi suami penyayang serta dilimpahi kemewahan. Ringkasnya, apa lagi yang anda dambakan dalam hidup kerana semuanya sudah dimiliki.Percaya atau tidak, jika pada zahirnya anda kelihatan sempurna, hakikatnya dalam hubungan bersama suami, masih banyak kekurangan diri...


Our Direction..

11:47 AM
Salam Sayang,Alhamdulillah..bukan kenyang makan k! Ni tanda syukur 1 phase dah selamat.Masa ujung bulan MEI yg lepas, sewaktu sibuknye berlangsung majlis akad nikah sepupu ku..berlangsung juga satu pertemuan antara keluarga kedua-dua belah pihak. Keluarga En. Zamberi(chynk) & Kaluarga En. Mohd Radzi(baby).Pertemuan ini adalah sesi berkenalan antara mak ayah, yg kami2 ni x payah la kan! Aku ingat kan keluarga baby nk bincang terus...


Just SMILE...

10:22 AM
Assalamualaikum,I knew this song from My Girl 2 Movie (Soundtrack). And i luv to sing this song when i want to put a baby to sleep. Dengan term yg lebiy mudah, mendodoi la! This song also remind me of a person who want me always to smile eventho when i'm sad and crying. If i'm not mistaken, there is a last speech for...



2:50 PM
Assalamualaikum,Ni la akibatnye "menegur" org! Last2 kene kat aku balik!Now mende ni menyeksakan aku..tp td makan sambal belacan pedas giler pun xde pepe plak,still ok! Tibe2 amik wudukk..maakkk aiii pedissssnnyyee! Nampak sangat berdosa!Ari tu, menegur kak sara aku ni...die tgh terseksa dgn ulser di mulutnye. X lame pas tu, turn aku plak merasa!..Bkn 1 tp 3 skali gus. Sampai aku nk gosok gigi...


Gaadoohh..Padaannn Muukeee!

6:17 PM
Salam Sayang,Weken ni weken padan muke! Padan muke aku and padan muke boyfren aku!Aku ni nk kater well planner tu xde la,..but i always plan sumthing ahead. Dalam kepala nih dh ade macam2, cume tunggu masa perlaksanaan je. My style cm ala2 PA gitu. Bukan pe, kalo organize senang ckit. xde la berserabut kepale hotak aku kan..clash ngan itu ini..x spent time ngan...


How to say this..

9:55 AM
Assalamualaikum,Aku sangat sediy...sediy sangat2! Orang yang aku harapkan memberi kekuatan kepada aku, rupanya memberi harapan palsu!...So unbelievable!! Am i not having any right to let out what i feel, how i feel? Semua serba x kena...wat x kena..x wat pun x kena! i'm in the middle!Sangat berserabut dis week.BEEENNNNNCCCCCCIIIIIIIII !!!!i should stay out of the light for a while...better stay in the dark..so...


PAPA's Beday..

10:04 PM
Assalamualaikum, Today is my dad's Beday. His name is Zamberi Ismail. He was bornt on 10th July 1957 and he's turn 52 this year! I wish him early dis morning before heading to attend a meeting with my client. He sounds so happy and i heard voices behind there, and there was a beday party throw by his staffs. Too bad i was...


Sesekali Teringin..

8:40 PM
Assalamualaikum,Tibe2 aku teringat lagu shima ni! Pg td ms tgh siap2 nk g keje, sempat aku berkaraoke tanpa musik...hanya kedengaran bunyik kipas je. Penontonnye hanya lah aku, sebab aku nyanyi depan cermin! =DKalo x silap aku, lagu ni femes tahun 90'an dulu. And ade sejarah dengan lagu ni, band sekolah rendah aku men lagu ni utk state competition. Aku pun penah nyanyi lagu...


Jeles ke aku??

11:40 AM
Salam Sayang,I took this quote from somewhere, a poem generator i guess.Understand and learn each words..." Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy - in fact, they are almost incompatible; one emotion hardly leaves room for the other.."Dr Fadzilah Kamsah cakap,...


Where it's begin...

11:06 PM
Salam Sayang,We are who we are,..no one can change us unless we want it to be change! As pepel can see the ticker on top, it's shown that we've been together for almost 3 years now. How did we met? huurmm...dont be shock if i tell ya that i knew him from Yahoo Messenger! yep..yep..yep! Well most pepel wont be shock anymore with...


Being eeEEMOOOWw

11:15 PM
Assalamualaikum,I'm being a little bit emotional tonight. Suddenly i feel like writting at this hour. Feel sleepy but a courage from out of no where just rise in me.Time are running so fast dont you think??..Leave us behind. I remembered talking to my ofis colleague, we were counting days from monday to friday just waiting for our weekends. Everyweek are like that. counting,..counting,..and...


Looking Forward...

8:05 PM
Assalamualaikum,..Last movie that i watched is Transformer II. Now looking forward to watch these movies. Never missed Ice Age Trilogy.Why i wanna watch this movie...it's Jenifer Garner ok! My x-Star BF's Wife..This one bcoz of the cartoon character : Sid the SlothMy fav Miss Congeniality...So i need to sep some money to njoy the movies..n need to sep sum for my wedding too..huhu!Anyone...


My Pumpkin...

1:52 PM
Assalamualaikum, - -> From smart business man to modern farmer...Ini ladang rimau nya..oppss limaunya!modern farmer live in action..modern farmer relaxing with his modern future wife..kekekeIni la activity kiteorg ahad semalam,..plan after Tj's wedding nk g Jln Conlay tgk Pameran/Jualan Keje Kawin tp...hehehehehe!Terbabas je kat umah baby,..After rehat kt umah baby, ptg tu kiteorg g kebun. Bleh la release stress, and baby bleh berpeluh2...


Picturess: Bowling & Durian

11:53 AM
Assalamulaikum,Liputan hari perlawanan..gaya seorg juara!~ Kami TISB ~asif & ayahnyaTISB Power Puff Girlz! Result 1st game.. Result 2nd game..My Lunch Meal!Keputusan perlawanan bowling;Juara : Zihan (204 pins)N.Juara: Ust Amran (202 pins)Ke-3: Nizam (173 pins)Gambar Selingan...terpregnant..ogre d blakang ...


Bowling & Durian

11:01 AM
Assalamualaikum,Sambil aku merehat-rehatkan diri kt couch yg empuk ni, let me story a bit bout my day yesterday!Semalam telah berlangsungnye perlawanan bowling among staff TI. Antara ahli yg terlibat ialah aku, kak sara, jijot(azizul), nizam, kak aziah (suami & hasif) and ust amran. Baby plak x dapat ikut sbb kene attend conference, kak hani plak hubby die ke out station, and abg nizam...


Being Healthy

9:31 AM
Assalamualaikum,This week is my sandwich week! Healthy week! Tp pagi je la, tghari dh x bape nk healthy. I'm a morning person, so i like bfast more than anything. But sumtime i'll skip my bfast if i find out there is no bfast that i like! Too bad, maka dgn itu my lunch sure la heavy..which is not good anyway! For dinner i...


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