Letihh daaa

11:03 PM


Been days x hupdate,..not so buzy but my mood feel not so good to write something here. Today kind a ok i think. Meeting early in the morning with this one company. Which at first i judge him 'kerek' coz the way he treat me on the phone like i'm nobody..yea me is nobody! But after meet him, had a talk regarding on our product and also sharing somekind of info then only i can say he's a nice guy! Ok la, at least he wana share most important info with me on how to penetrate this product inside this one agency! Thanks sir for ur advices.

Around 2 proceed my journey to Putrajaya, there's a meeting with this agency on the intergration part for another dept. The meeting went smooth but i think it will further through email since there is a few data need to be exchange. Today i didnt talk much since it's not my area to intefere the talks, me more on nego part! Technical part i leave it to my PM n his assistant.

While waiting for this putrajaya meeting actually i went to my aunt's house in Kajang. Makchor ckp dah lame aku x dtg situ walhal, kenduri anak die on 31 June tu aku g ape..adieh! Rindu dah orang tua nih kat aku..suke menyembang ngan aku la tu! hehehe.. Aku gi umah die sebab nk serah kan baju akad nikah kakyung n abg boy aku yg aku pinjam masa jd pengapit ari tu. Alang2 dah ade meeting kat putrajaya so aku singgah jap. Me are most welcuming to their house at anytime i want, even she's glad if i decide to sleep over. Aku sampai ttido2 lepak kat umah die td, then lunch pun best pasal ade tempoyak...kat sini bising ckit sebab die bela all the cucus..anak kakyung n kak ira. And aku pun tumpang same men ngan budak2 ni...sonok! release tension.

Abis meeting kat putrajaya terus je aku cabut g Hokkaido..not in Japan but dekat Vistana je..ade staff dinner! saje bawak staff kuar makan2. So tadi dah sampai awal aku g lepak jap kat fudcort kompleks damai tu...And sumthing unbelievable happen..Nk tau hapee??

At first aku order air minum2 then lepak la kan..since otak aku memang berserabut so aku amik masa cm gini la untuk berfikir...my work..my life...my routine..and last but not least the unable to be forgotten...My Baby! (Ntah la, lately aku rasa mcm life aku sorang2 je kt kl nih! Dah la mak ayah jauh...and buah hati plak asyik bz je memanjang...feel like i need to come out with something for myself!) So berkhayal la aku sengsorang kat situ. At the same time, ade la sorg pakcik ni berkaraoke bagai nk rak..sume lagu die nyanyi..laki pompuan sume die tibai..n siap menari2 bagai! erk x bleh imagin if bapak aku cm gini...bukan pe masa die nyanyi tu wife die pun ade skali..siap ckp romantik2 words gitew..and mention they have been married for 28 years...huurmm lebiy kurang my parents la which is soon 27..And myb nk jd rezeki aku hari ni, tibe2 pakcik tu bayar air aku, siap bagi rambutan suh aku makan sambil berkata "makan tau, kecik ati pakcik kalo anak x makan"..alaa aku kalo org tua2 dh ckp cm gini..susah la nk tolak. So untuk tidak mengecikkan ati pakcik tu aku pun makan la sebijik..Suddenly bleh la plak die nyanyi 1 lagu utk aku, siap nari2 lg..aaarrhhh maaallluuu weii! sib bek fudcort tu dh x ramai org! Die mule2 tegur aku siap speaking ngan aku sebab die igt aku mix blood! Macam orang middle east..erk, ade ke???(big grin!!...ramai je ckp cm gini. even ade je pak arab lalu sblah bg salam n siap puji! of course la hati berbunga..tp tu la kosong! Nk harap bf puji memang x la kn!)..Aku bile org speaking ni, aku speaking la balik...tp ade la cmpur malay...xnk la nnti org kater berlagaknyee minah nih! adieh! A few minutes later Shafa arive, save me from this humaliated scene...die bleh plak nyanyi..kate shafa ni kakak aku..same cantek ngan aku..bantai gelak aku pun! padahal shafa ni ofis mate aku! lantak ko la pakcik asalkan ko bahagia bersama isteri mu itew..huhuhu.. Then aku n shafa made a move to Vistana (g rest room je wei!!) then to Hokaido.

Dinner at Hokaido ok la..SEAFOOD! Kalo dh kate seafood pepaham je la ape yg aku makan k..Xkn makan unta!(ceeyy baru je td pakcik puji org mideleast..wakaka!) Byk gk la, ala2 chinese makan. So ade lebiy baik ko mkn ns ciput je, makan lauk tu kasi lebiy2. Tp perut aku besar mane sgt pun..so kene la mengatur up to 9 dishes dalam perut aku nih. Kalo ari2 cm gini, memang GAYMOKSS!

gambar nnti ek...ngantukkss la

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