
4th Day Quarantine

7:02 PM
Diari Seorg Suspected.Assalamualaikum,Alhamdulillah, hari ni dh masuk hari ke-4 aku di quarantine kan. Masih lg bernyawa. And ari ni, suhu badan dah normal. Selesema pun dah xde, just nose block je!. Batuk pun ckit2 je. Tekak pun dh kurang flame! Lega rasanya. Now just wait until 1st Sept to declaire myself free from suspected. Asal aku tengok those pill, aku dh rasa melugai....



3rd Day Quarantine

9:53 AM
Diari Seorang Suspected.Assalamualaikum,Hari ni masuk hari ke-3 aku di-quarantine-kan.Semalam memang 1 whole day aku tido n men tenet. After makan ubat je mesti "high". Until last night dh 3 bijik TAMIFLU masuk ke dalam badan aku. Alhamdulillah aku xde lg rasa apa2 effect yg dinyatakan oleh doc tu. So far so gud. Myb ubt tu serasi kot dengan aku. Pas ni sure aku...


2nd Day Quarantine

10:43 AM
Diari Seorg Suspected.Assalamualaikum,Huuu~ Boooorrriinkkkk!! =(Today is my 2nd day quarantine. Baru lepas breakfast and makan ubat (ya ya...aku x pose!! =p)..Boosann giler kene kurung nih. Xtau nak wat pe kat umah. Aku nak tgk tv pun xde selera. Mengadap laptop je la keje...Booriinkkk! X suke nyee sakit ni! Tp maybe kesakitan ni utk mengurangkan dosa! (huhu aku bukan nyee baik sgt pun..)Bangun pagi...


Suspected & Self Quarantine..

6:13 PM
AssalamulaikumGot a bad news to share with all of you. After i did a check-up at one of gov hospital today. I was suspected H1N1. Huuu jijikkss kn!!(ngalahkan HIV)..So i was advise not to make any contact with anyone even my baby. Not allowed to be in the public area. I need to be quarantined. It begins today 26/8/09 until 1/9/09..huuu dis is...


Sick...H1N1 symptoms??

6:23 PM
Assalamualaikum,Bersiaran dari bilik tido. I'm sick today!Semalam one whole day in the ofis, and aircond plak sejuk giler. Make my lung mengecut and my tekak itchy. Then later i got a mild cough. My ofismate cakap, i cough ngade2. huhuhu...When i wake up for sahur this morning, my head rasa berat. My temperature not reach 38 yet. So i consider myself ok lg....


Cincin dah sampai..

11:55 AM
Salam Sayang,Hari ni nak g amik cincin kite. YAAAYYYYYY!Ari tu pegi cincin DR 1177 dh kene rembat. Tinggal DR 1654 je! adieh. tula baby lambat sangat! =pDR1654 ni memang cantek! Harga die pun cantek sgt! hehehe...tp berkenan DR1177 lg. Soo tunggguuuu ari ni!Pas tu nak kene merayap carik cincin tunang plak..yg td tu cincin nikah!Then kalo baby ok, beli terus set barang kemas...


Henpon Hancusss

11:28 AM
Assalamualaikum,huuuuu~ cedey gilerrrr!Pas ni maybe x akan ade entry bergambar baru (sume gambar lame je), ini kerana kerosakan henpon yg thp kronik. Well org x berduit mane mampu nak beli kamera!! (waaa miskin sgt kah?? =S)..err baby can i have a camera for my beday?? =pHenpon ni baru je satahun aku pakai. Now screen die blank xleh view. aaaarrgggghhhh tersangat la geram. Call...


Wedding Planner..

1:53 PM
Salam Sayang,As apeared at the countdown section..it's only 6 months left to do our preparation.And there is so so so many things to think..and make me dizzy where to begin.Long time ago, i really admired J.LO. I like her songs,..i like her style,..i like her hair,..and i like her movie too. Movie that i really liked is The Wedding Planner. And i imagine...


Salam Ramadhan buat kalian..

1:39 PM
Assalamualaikum,Khas buat kalian yang sentiasa menyinggah di halaman yg x seberapa ini.Ingin ku titip kan ucapan SALAM RAMADHAN..Maaf kan salah dan silap ku, seandainya ada coretan di laman ini menyakiti hati kalian. Dan juga kata-kata yg bisa menyinggung serta perbuatan yg sukar di mengertikan.Selamat Menjalani IBADAH PUASA dan IBADAH len yg sama waktu dengan nya..Setiap kali Ramadhan, aku teringatkan arwah nenek dan atok...


Biar kan je la...

4:05 PM
Salam Sayang,Almost a week chynk tinggalkan blog nih. Bukan pe, chynk majuk! Majuk yg teramat2 ngan baby nih. Minggu lepas chynk punye hangin pasal after baby finish klas, sampai kat umah x msg pepe kat chynk. X msg tu satu hal la, chynk hangin when x bleh nk cite mcm2 plan untuk esok and byk lg. Tersangat la bengang tahap citanuk. MENCIKKKK TAU!So...


Never say..

11:17 AM
Assalamualaikum, Dun really understand, why it has to be like this??1 of my fren told me, even a sibling came out from the same mother's tummy and grow up under the same roof still quarrel/fighting,..so do couples which grow with different kind environment...DUGAAN!****************************************************************************DALAM menjalin ikatan suci antara anda dan pasangan, memang hati berbunga menyambut huluran cenderahati daripada yang tersayang.Si dia pula sudah lama...


MmmmCcccc for today..

7:18 PM
Assalamualaikum,Semalam tido lambat nak siapkan script MC untuk hari ni. Ade Seminar for Reseller, QuantumTrac VTS. Memang kelemahan aku kalo MC je, mesti stage fright! Padahal sebelum ni slalu je jd MC. Dari zaman sekolah, kolej sampai la ke university. But butterfly still in my stomach each time nek pentas. And this is kinda 1st time handle corporate event. Cam skema ckit, ade...


The Price of Love..

1:19 PM
Assalamualaikum,Griefs never end,But it changes.It's a passageNot a place to stay.The sense of loss,Must give awayIf we were to valueThe life that was livedGrief is not a sign of weaknessNor lack of faithIt is the price of LOVE...Some people said, to luv is to hurt and get hurt. Is that sound annoying?uurrggghhhhh.... ...


That's IT...

2:04 PM
Assalamualaikum,Here goes my weken...Listen I am alone at a crossroads I'm not at home in my own home And I've tried and tried to say what's on my mind You should have known Boy I really wanna work this out, cause I'm tired of fightin' And I really hope you still want me the way I want you Wondering if your the same...


Bro Dating

12:49 AM
Assalamualaikum,Weken ni adik bongsu aku balik from MIAT, Dengkil. Since dr hari aku marah kat die, langsung die x call2 aku,..alih2 semalam msg kate nk balik umah. Mau aku x marah kat die, simple pesanan pun xleh nak wat. Hangin aku bile org x amik berat ngan ape aku ckp. Tp angin aku x lame.So today, since aku x kuar hangout ngan baby....


Previes pikces entry update..

2:02 PM
Assalamulaikum,Haaa ari tu banyak entry x bergambar kan. So ok la, now kite wat entry gambar lepas-lepas punye...untuk tatapan sekian Hamba Allah yg baca nih...ade reader ke?? (ahakss terprasan sudey!)...Entry Letih DaaaEntry Macam-Macam MendeEntry Papa's BedaySo ini la saje dari saye....sekian terima kasih! (nk kasih banyak2!!) ...


Menghapdet Info...

9:20 PM
Assalamualaikum,haaa sannteekk x blog baru i?..err silap skin blog i..ni i ciplak tau! hehehe amik kat satu website tu. and i bet ramai gak la yg pakai skin tu. Dulu ade la design2 die punye header, and try gk la nk design mende len,..tp xpe la. Cam renyah plak. So aku malas. Pilih je template skin mane ko suke, then paste! Taaadaaaa...dah siap!So...


Evening with Eila..

4:58 PM
Assalamualaikum,Semalam kuar hangout jap ngan Eila (KYPMKB Fren) kat area Ampang Point. Most of the time chat kat YM je. And a few time kiteorg arange nk jumpe tp still xleh jumpe sebabnye memasing ade komitmen keje. Kejap die free i plak x free, then when i free die plak x free. Til yesterday, then kiteorg pun jumpe.Since after work kinda lapar, me...


TEKSI KuWaNg HajoR..

12:15 AM
Assalamualaikum,Ini cite aku pasal teksi kat kl ni...segelintirnyer macamm SHIIAALLL!Teksi 4861.1. ChaYaNunAlif tua smoking!! (aku bukan nk racist..tp aku x suke smoker,..sakit pale wei!)2. Kalo aku tau bek aku drive, sbb adelah sengal die g ikut jalan jem. Jem nk mampus! Jln Conlay...waaa hangin gue!! Nak aje aku suh die duk belakang biar aku yg drive. Sah2 kalo ikut jalan yg biase aku...


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