Cite kawin je ke...huuu

6:37 PM


Ade kawan aku ckp, since aku nk kawin nih...asyik load cite2 nak kawen je..abis tu nk load cite ape?? huhuhu

Untuk pengetahuan korunk, since HP aku crash langsung xde pikces..korunk sedar x?..kalo ade pun aku cilok kat mane2..x pun from sumone else nye camera. huuuuu sadis kan,..sayang duit dowh nk spend beli hp n camera nih...bukan pe, tgh sibuk prep kawin. Duit banyak nk pakai kat situ...

So totally it effect my presentation here...huhuhu (byk la aku punye presentation..lekuk dahi senirik!). Tp insyallah, aku akan load cite dr gambar zaman jahiliah aku dulu...orait?? (ni yg nk kene godek2 box lame2 nih...adieh!)

This week another wedding preparation story. On Saturday tu aku dating ngan my fren Eila tgk few butik kt ampang park. Mission nak cari baju sanding and tailor utk akad nikah. Well jumpe gak la kedai tudung, kedai aksesori, butik and ade 1 butik ni mahal (mean over my budget laa...kalo org len xtau la if they can afford kn..) and ade 1 butik ni aku plan nak wat baju ngan die and sewa few things la. But we'll see what my fiance gona comment about it.

Our plan that day not going so smooth, Eila kene balik awal. Mak die call suh balik. So kiteorg tangguh la our merayap time till the next day which will be arrange later (so ade sape2 nak ikut?? =p) Plan nk merayap tgk butik area Ampang pun x sempat. Some other time perhaps...

On Saturday plak aku hangout ngan raksasa. After semalam tu aku moody ckit,..huhu. Tu la sape suh wat tone aku dh len! hehehe =p

Semalam kiteorg merayap Nilai 3. B4 that stop g jumpe Rienz kejap and had lunch with my lil bro, Zaid. We are looking for Bunga Pahar actually for our pelamin and also for our guest. Selalu org bg mende pelik2 kn, this time we would like to bring back the old skul style. Bunga telur is perfect for any malay kenduri events. Even kiteorg jumpe plastic balut telur. (haaa see no HP/Cam how to show?? rs pns ati nih...wakaka senirik emo!! =p )..Nanti kiteorg tunjuk k.

After merayap few shops we decide to come again some other day. Next time will be shopping mode!.

Semalam dinner kt umah raksasa, makan lauk kenduri rumah jiran die. And sambil2 tgk tv, practis suap2 pengantin gitew...wakakaka. Saje guuuuwwwddikkss..sbb dis weken n next weken, raksasa sibuk. Tingat masa zaman die outstation time tu x siyes lg. Tu pun dh payah ckp la kn.

Errmm nxt week papa nk dtg kl lg. Ade kursus kt UEM Tower from 2 - 5 Oktober. Waaaa beshhh nyee...lavish dinner for 3 nites. =D I'll stay with papa...hv a great father n doter time!

Now tgh tunggu my raksasa...mane die ni??


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